Showing posts with label discernment of spirits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label discernment of spirits. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

We need the Holy Spirit to help us follow his inspirations and to recognize and avoid the distractions of the enemy of mankind. - Wednesday in the 8th Week of Ordinary Time, May 26th, 2021 - S + L Mass at MQW Cathedral downtown Montreal

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  Memorial of Saint Philip Neri

Sign of the + Cross  

        Hello. I’m Fr. Gilles Surprenant, priest of Montreal and Madonna House Associate. We revel these days in the radiance of Pentecost and the out pouring of the Holy Spirit who gave birth to the Church. Our Creator God has long desired to pour out his Holy Spirit on all mankind through Jesus, and we are his witnesses. During this Live Daily Mass, we offer to the Father all of our personal intentions and those of our Church. (Intention) Thank you.

Penitential Rite         Brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.  (Formula 1)


Why did they do it? Why did James and John ask Jesus for places of honor in Jesus’ glory? No doubt they felt that they loved Jesus and wanted to be sure to remain close to Him when he would establish his kingdom. The problem was that they weren’t really listening to Jesus, who had just told them that He was going to Jerusalem and his glory would be to be killed there.

Why do any of us do the foolish, carless, insensitive, or reckless things that we do? We are all still infected with the original sin virus which infected the first human beings. The antidote has been brought into the world for all of humanity by Jesus: the antidote is putting our faith and trust in Jesus rather than in ourselves, and the vaccine for mankind is the Holy Spirit.

In addition to the infection of the original sin, there is also the enemy of humanity, the devil and his rebel angels; who together sow greed and envy, discord and division, and we see how the bad spirit caused trouble among the Apostles. Jesus corrected the Apostles, and He would do it again before the end. We also often need to be corrected by Jesus. The grandfather who wrote the book of Sirach was writing under the good inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which is why he prayed to God to reveal Himself to his people and to all of humanity; so that everyone might know that He is God and that He is good. When a human being welcomes the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit, he or she forgets himself or herself and gives witness to God.

St. Philip Neri, like all the saints, accepted to be taught by Jesus and formed by the Holy Spirit. He was blessed with a wonderful sense of humor and helped others to recognize signs that the Holy Spirit is at work and to tell those results apart from the trouble caused by Satan and his demons. The devil accentuates our selfishness and fears, and as a result we hurt others and cause trouble and division around us. The Holy Spirit brings peace, love, charity, and joy.

Like St. Philip Neri, who was a much sought-after confessor and spiritual guide, St. Ignatius of Loyola taught that when we are tempted and discouraged by our faults, the best defense is a good offense and we should go in the opposite direction. If I don’t feel like praying, then I spend a little more time at prayer than usual. If I don’t feel like giving alms to the poor, then I will be even more generous. If I feel irritated by someone, then I will compliment them or offer to help.

If you’d like more help in discerning the difference between the guidance of the good spirit and the distraction of the bad spirit, search for Fr. Timothy Gallagher, OVM’s online talks on the “discernment of spirits” by St. Ignatius. If you send me an email, I’ll send you some links. My email address is . Jesus continues to set the captives free today.

O God, come and dwell in us: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Prayer after Communion                                    Announcement

We thank you for supporting this Live Daily Mass through your daily prayers, Mass intentions, and donations to the Cathedral and to Salt + Light Media. There was no offering or requested Mass intention for this Mass today. You could gather together family and friends and make a group donation to accompany an intention for a Salt + Light TV Mass. Contact Salt + Light Media. 


Saint Joseph, pray for us.              Blessing and Dismissal


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

Though we turn our backs to the Lord, Jesus calls us to put all our trust in Him. - Wednesday in the 12th Week in Ordinary Time, June 22nd, 2022 - S + L Mass at MQW Cathedral downtown Montreal

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