Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Better to trust in Jesus than in our own opinions or feelings - Wednesday in the 4th Week of Easter, April 28th, 2021 - S + L Mass at MQW Cathedral downtown Montreal

     Gospel & Homily MP3 version                     Homily PDF version        

Sign of the + Cross - Christ is risen! Alleluia!
(traditional response is) He is truly risen! Alleluia!            Hello. I’m Fr. Gilles Surprenant, priest of Montreal and Madonna House Associate. In this 4th week of Easter, the Lord cautions us to be wary of clinging to our opinions. Our thoughts and opinions are powerless but Jesus’ words are the will of the Father and they will endure forever. During this Live Daily Mass, the Lord calls us to receive his words and to keep them; so that we may live. (Intention) Thank you.

Penitential Rite         Brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.  (Formula 1)


During his short life on Earth and his even shorter public mission, Jesus was acutely aware that people did not believe in Him. Jesus healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, gave hearing and speech to the deaf and mute, cast out demons, healed lepers, and even raised a girl, a young man, and his friend Lazarus from death. Still, people did not believe in Him. Why is that? What was wrong with those people? What is wrong with all of us?

They say that at Mary’s Shrine in Lourdes in France there are incredible healings. People afflicted by lupus have, instead of a face, a gaping cavity with no more nose or lips or cheeks. When they are healed, suddenly their face grows back. Some without limbs suddenly find limbs where there were no limbs before. Apparently, many eye witnesses, who see these astounding miracles with their own eyes, simply cannot believe their eyes. Later, they tell themselves and others too that what they saw is simply impossible; so, they must have imagined it.

So, you see, it is never enough to see with our own eyes and to hear with our own ears or to touch with our own hands. In the presence of the mystery of God and of his wonderful works, it is only faith that can enable us to embrace the truth as real, and to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. In every generation, God the Father is offering everyone a personal relationship with Him in his Son Jesus. We are offered the grace, the divine power to trust and to believe, no matter how we may feel. All we have to do is to embrace God in his mystery and accept Him as real, as true, and as loving.

Today we remember and give thanks and praise to God for Saint Peter Chanel, a Marist missionary in the Pacific Islands near Fiji, who was so successful in bringing people to faith in God that a frightened chief had him assassinated in 1841. He was 38 and is now a martyr.

We also remember Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort who was a priest for only 16 years when he died at the age of 43 in 1716 in France. During his work in hospitals and giving missions, he was so successful in bringing people to faith in God that jealous people resented him and forced him to leave. The Pope made him a “missionary apostolic”; so, no one could block his mission any more. In a very short time, he founded the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, the Daughters of Wisdom, and the Montfort Missionaries, who all put their faith in Jesus as God’s Divine Wisdom. Jesus is more trustworthy than our human wisdom, which is foolishness. 

When we put all our trust and faith in God through Jesus, we give God permission to do all that He wants to do. We just decide not to be shaken by fears, not to prefer our own thoughts, feelings, plans, and opinions, but instead, we look to Jesus, cling to his words as true, and put our trust and faith in Him. We do this in every practical situation of our lives. We still live our life actively; while we leave all the results up to God and accept whatever comes as his will.

Added thoughts:     No matter our thoughts or how we may feel, or even though we may feel nothing at all... God's relationship with us and our relationship with God - Father, Jesus his Son, and the Holy Spirit - remains mysterious, because God is mysterious, and in many ways; so are we mysterious even to ourselves. Our relationship with God the Most Holy Trinity is unlike our relationships with fellow human beings alive and walking around like us on this Earth. We don't usually get immediate replies from God as we generally do from people around us. 

However, our "relating" to God takes place in the context of faith; as we "look to" God, "turn to" Him, "wait on" Him, and "live in vibrant and hopeful expectation" that, in his good time and in his own way, God "sees me", "hears me", "knows me", "loves me", "cares for me", "instills his divine life of the Trinity in me", "forms and shapes me into his own likeness", and "draws me ever more deeply" into the life and love of the Most Holy Trinity, which is Heaven and eternal life. 

O God, help us to really trust in You: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We thank you for supporting this Live Daily Mass through your daily prayers, Mass intentions, and donations to the Cathedral and to Salt + Light Media. 

Saint Joseph, pray for us.          Blessing and Dismissal


© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Living in the Light of God, untroubled by the darkness - Wednesday in the 2nd Week of Easter, April 14th, 2021 - S + L Mass at MQW Cathedral downtown Montreal

    Gospel & Homily MP3 version                                 Homily PDF version        

Sign of the + Cross - Christ is risen! Alleluia! 
(traditional response is)
 He is truly risen! Alleluia!            Hello. I’m Fr. Gilles Surprenant, priest of Montreal and Madonna House Associate. In this 2nd week of Easter, the Lord invites us to consider how much more respectful He is of us than the big shots of this world. Once we decide to trust in the Lord; we can walk fully in the light. During this Live Daily Mass, the Lord once again affirms his love, strengthens our faith, and revives our hope. (Intention) Thank you.

Penitential Rite         Brothers and sisters let us acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.  (Formula 1) 


The Jewish “high priest and all who were with him” were “filled with jealousy” at the way the Apostles were drawing large crowds and because the beggar who had been lame from birth was healed at their words. It was the trouble that Jesus had all over again. These religious leaders in Jerusalem arranged to have Jesus executed, and now they were after his Apostles.

Have you ever been harassed or persecuted by people or organizations that just wouldn’t stop coming after you? Perhaps in your case it was what you called a long string of bad luck. Maybe it was your employer or a nasty client or relative. Whatever it was, the trouble just wouldn’t stop, and you may have become exasperated, if not outright angry or discouraged.

It’s pretty clear that there are many situations in life that escape our control. There isn’t anything we can do to stop the trouble or fix it, and it wears down our spirit. Perhaps what really bothers us is the trouble itself… we keep trying to fix or solve it and we just can’t seem to find the right formula. This is especially true in the case of chronic physical or mental illness.

The trouble or the trouble makers seem to come out of an evil darkness, like the religious leaders in Jerusalem. They couldn’t stand the light radiating from Jesus; so, they did all they could to try to put out that bright light that made their guilty consciences so uncomfortable.

Despite all our trouble and suffering, as long as we are trying to love God and obey Him and to love our neighbor, even forgiving all those who harm or trouble us in any way; then we are actually living in the light, just like the Apostles and all the saints did. However, although we may be living in the light of God’s kingdom, we might still at times be in the dark”.

If we can’t distinguish between the darkness and the light, between the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God; then when trouble hits, we are at risk to be thrown off balance and discouraged. Jesus is the light of God, and all who believe in Him and make efforts to love God and their neighbor as themselves, all those who do this are also living in the light of God.

Those who don’t believe that Jesus is the Son of God or who put all their desires and hopes on the things of this world, well, they are living in darkness; whether they know it or not. Those who live in darkness don’t like those who live in the light and may even persecute them. They hate or are afraid of the light when their deeds or desires are evil. Once we realize that this is the situation; then when trouble comes, we are not so surprised. We remember to trust in God.

We may never actually see our guardian angel, but our angels watch and protect our faith in God. Divine peace enters our soul when we thank the Father for his priceless gifts. “Father in Heaven, forgive us our sins. We thank and praise You for Jesus’ life-giving sacrifice and for our guardian angel; for You are God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


We thank you for supporting this Live Daily Mass through your daily prayers, Mass intentions, and donations to the Cathedral and Salt + Light Media.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.                  Blessing and Dismissal


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© 2006-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2006-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

Though we turn our backs to the Lord, Jesus calls us to put all our trust in Him. - Wednesday in the 12th Week in Ordinary Time, June 22nd, 2022 - S + L Mass at MQW Cathedral downtown Montreal

12th Week in Ordinary Time  VOCATION: Jesus calls us - He calls you to follow Him, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and become a missionar...